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Writer's pictureJAZEL Web Agency


1 – I save tap water:

"An open tap is 12 liters per minute on average". So I turn off the tap water when I brush my teeth or do the dishes by hand. A leaky tap can waste up to 120L of water per day! It is therefore important to regularly check the condition of your taps. For those who drink tap water: you can keep it cool for 24 hours only, in a closed container. On the other hand, prefer cold water to hot water to drink and to prepare your meals. Bacteria grow more easily in lukewarm water.

2 – I save water for my toilet:

It is better to take a shower than a bath because the latter consumes two to five times more water than the shower (80L on average for a shower against 150L for a bath). It is also possible to reduce water consumption in the bathroom by using simple equipment such as flow reducers or mixer taps.

3 – I clean my house without chemical detergents:

Some products such as chemical detergents and washing powders are not absorbed by wastewater treatment plants and therefore end up in lakes and rivers, causing pollution of these waterways. This disrupts aquatic ecosystems and promotes the proliferation of green algae in particular.

4 – I choose an ecological washing machine:

Class A washing machines today significantly reduce water (50%) and electricity (44%) consumption and increase the laundry load compared to class C washing machines. Prefer the program "eco" to the classic, you will thus save additional water and electricity. Be careful, however, to use your washing machine sparingly, i.e. only when the machine is full.

5 – I use my dishwasher wisely:

Using a dishwasher consumes about 10L of water per wash compared to 42L for washing dishes by hand. However, be careful to start the dishwasher once it is full.

6 – I use 100% recycled paper and I limit my prints:

One tonne of recycled paper saves 20,000 liters of water. This is why, by replacing your bleached paper with unbleached 100% recycled paper, you save 90% water and 50% energy.

7 – I collect rainwater:

Rainwater can be used in all activities that do not require potable water. The recovery of rainwater for domestic use is a practice that tends to develop more and more to save water resources but also to unclog drainage networks, because they help to fight against the harmful effects of flooding.

8 – I water my garden economically:

To reduce your garden's water consumption, simply water just enough (do not water all the time during the period between September and April, water rather in the evening, let dry between two waterings, consider a programmed watering…).

9 – I use less water to wash my car:

Washing your car represents a significant water consumption, around 200L on average for tap water, 100 to 350 L for roller washing and 50 to 60L for high pressure washing. Today, it is possible to use waterless washing to wash your car at home, in particular by using biodegradable products or in specific waterless washing stations.

10 – I opt for a two-flow flushing system:

This flushing system reduces the flow of 15L per day for a two-person household. If you don't have one, just place a sand-filled water bottle in your toilet's flush tank. This will allow you to reduce your toilet water consumption by 50%. Please note: a leaky flush amounts to an additional consumption of 30 to 250m3 per year!

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